Pornography is a ‘hot button’ and controversial topic. I often refer to it as the ‘naked elephant in the room’. Everyone knows it’s there, but no one really wants to acknowledge it. Porn is controversial because it’s divisive. There’s ‘Pro-Porn’ and ‘Anti-Porn’ sides. It’s as oppositional, if not more, as any…
It is important to understood exactly what is meant by the term ‘pornography’. It seems that definitions vary and are often open to interpretation. For instance, in 2009, researcher Michael Flood defined pornography as: Sexually explicit media that are primarily intended to sexually arouse the audience. It includes images of…
For a long time there has been huge resistance to having a decent conversation about the harms of pornography without being branded a prude for not embracing it. For instance, in the past, I’ve been told I’m ‘erotophobic’ (have a fear of anything erotic – best not tell my husband…
17th November, 2015: Family & Domestic Violence Roundtable with Minister Fentiman This community event considered presentations from a range of people working in this space, either as a preventative measure or in assisting men, women and children affected by DV. A great organisation I would like to highlight is Say Yes…
Heart-wrenching stories surface from time to time of young women’s experiences growing up in a culture where they are not valued. This is a republished anonymous post from someone in the US. But this young woman isn’t just ‘someone’. She has a name – she has dreams for her future – and she never asked…
A big thanks to Alison Stegert from e-Quipped for this article! Check out e-Quipped for information relating to a myriad of modern issues, from cyber-parenting to sexting. Most young people today have a head full of cybersafety information, thanks the vigilance of their parents and schools. It seems like grown-ups are doing…
I had so much great feedback from the What’s with Bonding?? blog and in amongst conversations that followed, a friend suggested I check out the Ancient Greek understanding of love. I faintly remember learning about the difference between Eros and Agape at High School and was pleasantly surprised to see that this ancient concept is…
Hitting the headlines over the past week has been news of a mum upset by the materials her ‘state high school attending’ daughter received from a Christian Group. It compared sex and bonding to sticky tape, speaking about the bond of Oxytocin. There’s been a huge reaction to this and the articles…
Recently there’s been a lot of focus in the media about the impact of porn on young people. Some of this has included talk about anal sex. Devastatingly there’s an increasing number of young women presenting to GPs with injuries sustained from anal sex. The reality is that teenage girls are under…